Wednesday, January 19, 2011


As of January 19th, we've finished up our first two-week session at Rockstudio, and have currently returned to our respective habitats (not to be mistaken with the "Rabit-at for Drew-manity") to evaluate the fruits of our labor thus far and to prepare for our upcoming sessions in February. The seven tracks that we're working on now are coming to life in a beautiful way, and we're beyond eager to get back to work in the studio for the final, celebratory stages of what's been a lengthy and at times very challenging process. We'll continue the video blogs when tracking recommences, and in the meantime, check in with us for occasional updates and miscellany.... 

Thanks for checking in and enjoy the last few days in the threshold of this new year.

P.S. Check the sidebar for links to our Twitter, Facebook and Myspace pages, which we'll continue to update as well.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


More moving pictures from the walls of our cave...

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Elevens are in full effect today, as we work through some "tech-no-logic-kill" difficulties and continue to lay down some vicious guitar tracks. Here's some pictorial evidence for you skeptical types to sink your teeth into, and for you true believers to add some support to your precarious convictions.
Enjoy this date's binary symmetry while it lasts.

Saturday, January 8, 2011


Caleb's a fucking hero. Today he cranked out the last of the drum parts, percussion and some vocal tracks in an epic 14 hour studio stint. All of his takes were completely stellar and now we're shifting gears and will be digging into some guitar tones tomorrow. Kathy finally woke up from her epic nap and crafted this latest video installment to keep you folks in the know. Remember to keep checking in and BY ALL MEANS keep an eye out for the shadow falcons...

Friday, January 7, 2011


As of this morning, Caleb is about 1.5 songs away from completing his drum tracking. Morale is high here at the Compound del Circle, and Anthony is about to hit record as we start to make another day's worth of noise.
Here's another view from inside the heart of Nowhere:

Thursday, January 6, 2011


Two new tracks worth of drumming have been etched into digital stone. They are titled: "Prefaced by the Signal Fires..." and "...Arrowhead as Epilogue" and they make up half of a four movement composition called TOTEM : POLARIS. There are roughly two more days of tracking drums on the horizon as we wrap this one up and then tackle the last track in this collection, called "North Star, Inverted." We're thoroughly enjoying our time at Rockstudio, embracing the whirlwind of late nights and early starts in the process of singing this new world into being.
Thanks so much for all of your comments of support and for your continued enthusiasm!

the circle

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Day three in the studio, and the results have been tremendous so far. Drum tracking continues, as well as some rehearsing and a bit of preliminary prepping for recording guitars and bass - including biasing the ol' Marshall JCM 800 (as featured in today's video). Caleb finished his parts for the last movement of a somewhat lengthy three-parter tonight, and will start on a four movement track tomorrow. Lots of work ahead but plenty of milestones have been passed on our journey thus far. Thanks, as always, for checking in.
More daily updates to follow...

Sunday, January 2, 2011


DECOMPOSITIONS recording sessions have begun. On the 1st day of January, 2011 we convened in Georgia, hailing from various locations across the map, at our old haunt: the Rockstudio. Today we began crafting Part I of this collection of new songs with our longtime friend and collaborator, Anthony Stubelek. We had a fruitful first day, as documented in the above montage of moving pictures, and completed tracking drums for two songs. We'll continue to update this blog daily over the next couple of weeks, as our sessions continue and as plans for the release evolve. Thanks to everyone who has been keeping tabs on CTTS through dry spells and downpours alike. We can not wait to share these songs with you.