Friday, December 21, 2012

Our Solstice Offering.....

Today, 12/21/2012, Circle Takes The Square is elated to announce the official digital release of DECOMPOSITIONS Volume Number One.
 The release will launch at our Bandcamp site,, at 8 PM EST.

We invite you to join us at the site to stream the album in its entirety, or "pay what you like," for a limited time, in advance of the Vinyl/CD/ Bundle pre-orders to occur in January.
We appreciate, well beyond words, the support of everyone who has been waiting patiently for this record's release, and those who have generously contributed via crowd-sourcing at the beginning stages of a long recording process. With this humble offering, we sincerely wish to honor that positive spirit of encouragement you have all shrouded us in.

Please come help us sing (and whisper, and scream) a new world into being.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Arrowhead as Epilogue

This song will be on the full length "Decompositions Volume One"