Friday, May 9, 2008


Hello Everyone,
After much deliberation we've decided to place the first entry in our blog. We'll use this to document the arduous writing and studio process, in the hopes that it will keep you off our backs a little while longer. Keep honkin on Blogo...
Love the circle.


  1. sooo pschyed on this!
    love you guys.
    philly is waiting for you.

  2. I think this is a great idea, opening up the recording process to the public. Keep up the good work.

  3. you are by far one of my all time favorite bands. cannot wait to hear the new stuff =]

  4. u rule one of my favorite bands nice work

  5. kathy.
    take pictures of your new rig. i wanna see it.
    (thus says dan from chicago)

  6. awesome idea(:
    i think you should come to europe ;)

  7. P-Head from San Diego fucking loves you guys.... cant wait to hear what you've been working on...

  8. Sweet! I added your RSS. Can't wait for the new album..

    And yeah.. Europe definetly!!

  9. I tell you what, I've been waiting for this cd for like, five years. Thank you, your music is awesome.

  10. You guys don't even know how much you guys have influenced me, both artistically and musically.

    I hope to see you guys

    can't wait for new music!

  11. I am feeling those taste 5/4 breakdowns and heavy riffage! judjudjudjudjud judjudjudjudjud dunnngrruuggg

  12. Nice, keep us updated.
    Thanks for your music.

  13. after a taste of the new material when you played here in Lynchburg last year, i've been ravenous for the next album ever since. i'm going to starve to death pretty soon.

    no pressure or anything. ;)

  14. I must say, I am pretty pumped that you guys and lady are back in the studio getting things done. I have missed you.

  15. when this comes out I am skipping school. I am listening to all the old stuff straight through. i am listening to 'as the roots undo' straight through, and then I'm listening to this straight through. and I've already told my friends I'm busy that day, no matter who's wedding it is.. ( and I'm turning my cell phone off )

    for now I wait

  16. ALSO: im anxious to hear the new drummer. is the old guy doing any other bands right now?
