Monday, October 19, 2009


I'm listening to a 5 minute and 46 second clip of music that Drew and Caleb worked out while at CHQ, that's canadian headquarters for those without the energy to read one post back. It was part of a separate song from Ritual of Names, but now it looks like its found a home in R.O.N.
Its so good. Its brutality is making me weepy. Our get together plans have been altered. Prey we don't alter them further.(Sorry about the star wars reference)
Three of us are getting hitched next year. If you have ever planned a wedding, you know it can be a consuming process. I'm excited and nervous about putting it all together but can't wait to see everyone who means the world to me in one room. Plus, we're having cupcakes. Maybe a show will break out...
Sorry we haven't updated I think the computer with that program and info is in computer heaven now. Some folks are still ordering merch from us, which is cool, but the 'guillotine' sticker is sold out, so a newer design will be shipped if you order it.
Thanks for checking in, now go carve a pumpkin. And eat the seeds.


  1. Listening to the parts of RON published on your myspace for the,.. 115135135th time or something, right now. Wish I could hear that 5 minute and 46 second clip too. Hope you will get lots of inspiration when you get together, this album will be so Awesome, cant wait for it! Oh yes I can wait... I know it will be 100% worth it.
    When its done i really hope you will tour up here in scandinavia (I live in sweden) or atleast somewhere in europe:)
    Could pay anything to see you live! (Only problem is i do not own very much money "/ )

    Love you, Kathleen and the rest of CTTS.

  2. What he said. Come to Sweden! We need some roots undone.

  3. So happy to see you guys are still working!

    Keep it up, we're all stoked!

  4. I'll wait for the new album, and a release 2009?!?!?!? Fucking awesome!
    Yeah, I really hope you'll come to sweden some day, because I have to see you guys play live before i grow old-and-boring!
    When will this night end? The same day you release your album :P

  5. @rosswolfe:
    That's not a review.

    I have to see "Non-Objective Portrait of Karma" played sometime in the next 5 years of my life. Enjoy your marriages, have fantastic honeymoons and get a tour prepared sometime between now and then!


  6. Congratulations, Enjoy your marriages

    :-) mana

  7. Rosswolfe the Troll obviously scared them away. There are, however, people out there who still love you and want to hear the final result. It's been over a year; please post soon!
