Friday, April 22, 2011


First off, we want to offer our sincere gratitude to everyone who has been donating to our Kickstarter Project. The support you have offered us is overwhelming, and will allow us to properly finish the recordings and tie our album together with some pretty fun packaging, as well! If you haven't already checked it out, there's still a few days left to donate, and we've still got some exclusive T-shirts available, so get the details HERE.

Above is a video blog from our most recent recording sessions. Things are coming together beautifully- guitars have been finished; bass and vocals are in the works and nearing completion. Please continue to check our Facebook page for ongoing updates!


  1. vocals gave me cold chills! im so happy to have donated to such an amazing project. ive always refered to "as the roots undo" as a lyrical masterpeice and a work of art. i cant wait to hold this new album in my hands!

  2. Hearing the vocals made me very happy. I loved the lyrics and emotion put into As The Roots Undo. Lyrically it was very poetic and dark, almost like something Edgar Allen Poe would have written, but with intricate meanings woven into the imagery. Vocally, it felt almost like screaming out of a story, like each person really cared about what you were talking about. I can already tell from hearing just a bit of the new album1's song all put together that it's going to be yet another masterpiece.
