Tuesday, August 23, 2011

OUT NOW! Rites of Initiation unleashed today!

 We are absolutely thrilled to finally let you all hear the new songs. Please head over to our bandcamp page where you can listen to, and download 4 new songs. The EP is called Rites of Initiation, and is the 1st chapter of Decompositions, Vol.1.
 Thanks for keeping us relevant in your lives, we love you.
Caleb, Kathleen, Drew and David.
Circle Takes The Square


  1. YES! I used to love you folks back in the day, the new stuff is sounding great! Hope to see you in San Francisco if/when you start touring again.

    lots of <3,


  2. I would just like to say that I am so happy you guys stuck to the style that you were good at. After so much time, I expected quite a change. But this is just as good as it has ever been. If not better.

  3. y'all should post the lyrics to the EP. I always feel so inspired while listening. Bravo! 7 years was worth the wait. Also, if you could post some of your favorite books, that would be awesome. I feel like I hear some references to The Iliad and Paradise Lost.

  4. Hey Stevezy,
    The lyrics are on the bandcamp page, just scroll down to the song, mouse over it, and the link for lyrics will pop up. Thanks!

  5. awesome! found them. this is easily my favorite release so far this year, can't wait for the full length. not that i could've done anything about it, but i am definitely kicking myself for not having the money for a test press. maybe it'll find its way to my collection like a copy of As The Roots Undo did...
