Saturday, January 5, 2013

Decompositions, 2013

Happy New Year! Many thanks to everyone who has been spreading the word, and for all of your positive feedback regarding the digital release of Decompositions: Volume Number One. It will be available for Vinyl/CD/and Merch Bundle Pre-Orders very soon, but you still have time to download it for free or "name your price" at our bandcamp page. The download comes with over 10 files of handwritten lyrics and artwork that will be featured in the physical release, so check it out and keep sharing links with your friends and social networks. We appreciate it greatly!

All the best in 2013,


The Beard said...

When I reach the end of Decompositions, I'm surprised. I know that 55 minutes must have passed but it feels like 10.

This happens every time, even though I've heard it least once a day since it's been out. Five times on the release date.

So thanks for that. And thanks for the shirt I just got in the mail! :D

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing, I will bookmark and be back again...

Pembroke Pines

Anonymous said...

hey. tour soon.